Miriam Maes has worked 35 years for multinationals, including more than 20 years managing national and international P&L’s. After managing international food, foodservices and beverages businesses for Unilever, ICI and the Marmon Group, in 2002 she entered the energy sector, first with Texas Utilities as a member of their European Executive and subsequently with Electricité de France (EDF) in the UK, as COO of their non-regulated distribution networks’ business.
In 2007, Miriam became CEO of Foresee, an energy and climate change strategy consultancy. Between May 2010 and April 2012, she was Advisor to the UK Department for Energy and Climate Change. In 2012, Miriam became a Senior Fellow on the Climate and Energy Program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF), a Washington-based transatlantic think tank, and became Chairman of GMF’s Energy Transition Forum. In 2015, she took ownership of the Energy Transition Forum 2.0 and partnered with the United Nations Foundation.
Until May 2017, Miriam served for six years, first as Member and then as Chairman of the Board, of the Euronext-listed company ELIA Group, comprising Elia, the Belgian national grid operator, and 50Hertz, the German Transmission System Operator. She is currently serving as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Port of Rotterdam and as a Non-Executive Director on the Board of Urenco, a joint venture between the UK, German and Dutch governments for the manufacture of enriched uranium for nuclear power utilities worldwide.
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